what makes people wonder about these two words so much ??
why does life has to be connected with love ?? what's the connection between them ??
How can love make one's life happy , while in a flip of a hand in can make you cry endless misserable tears ?? and yet why are we still crying over the one's who left us behind for another love tha they find suiting their lives ??
If love were real, and if love could make us happy, why would anyone sacrifices their lives just for those who abandon our love ??
Why would one's shed blood and hurt themselves just for the sake of love ?
was it too hurtfull ? or was it too deperessing to bear ?? for me, i think it was just too good to be true.

Well, now i just think that love are useless feelings we have in life, no matter who, no matter what, no matter why, d no matter how hard we tried, finding the right one is just like living a fairy tale. for me, i've given up hope on love for many years. to be honest, lot's of girls have entered my life, but none...none suits me well..i can't find any true happiness. The more i love somebody, the more it suffocates me. All those fights,

I've shed blood, lot's of times, me tear gets dry, and my brain isn't thinking straight anymore. And whose to blame for all these ? LOVE ? LIFE ? or GOD for Making both of it ?
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